Thursday, April 15, 2010

It happened to us too

So I think its safe to say that the economy isnt what it used to be. Lets face it, everyone is having a hard time these days. I was laid off from my job on Tuesday. So now we both dont have a job. We are trying to keep positive about the situation. We both have no desire to stay in our current city and now we have the opportunity to look for employment out of our state. Yay. Who knows maybe we will end up in the same city as Emmy and her family.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Unanswered Prayers

"Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers". This simple lyric hit home this weekend, while visiting family in another town. Growing up, all I wanted to do was to move to this particular city. I thought it would be such an amazing adventure and my hopes and dreams would magically come true if I could just move to this town. I begged and pleaded with my mom unsuccessfuly for 2 0 years. I pleaded with God to change my mom's mind about staying in our city. We never did move to that city. And I can honestly say that I am so happy we didn't. If we had moved, I never would have met my husband, never would have gotten my job that I love so much and so many other opportunities that I have gotten to experience where I am would not have come my way. While that magical city will forever hold a special place in my heart, I am so thankful that God did not answer my prayers. This is truly where I am suppposed to be.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Another amazing recommendation from some pretty smart people. I was very pleased that I was convinced to pick this book up. I can honestly say this book has peaked my interest in historical fiction. It was written well and cleverly gave you historical facts so the reader was learning history without it being forced upon by some history teacher in a classroom setting. Definately recommend it. I loved this book. I give it 5 stars.

I loved this book. I have never been a fan of fantasy/books set in the future but I was very impressed with this one. I literally couldnt put it down. I am very impressed with Suzanne Collins as a writer. This is a must read. This is the first in a trilogy with Catching Fire being book 2 and Mockingjay(due out in October) being book 3. I am looking forward to picking up Catching Fire and eagerly await the release of Mockingjay. I give it 5 stars.